
行动警报- 2020年4月9日

This alert was distributed via email to subscribers of the GFB Legislative Team's Action Alert on April 9, 2020.




正如我们上周分享的, 国会在第三阶段法案中创建了一个新的担保贷款项目, 关怀法案, 叫做工资保障计划(PPP). With the release this week of new guidance from the Small Business Administration 和 U.S. 财政部, PPP loans are now available to farms with fewer than 500 employees (和 larger farms that meet certain guidelines). Eligible farms can receive a low interest loan based on their average monthly payroll costs. If PPP loan funds are used to pay employees 和 certain operating expenses, 贷款将在八周后获得豁免. 我们鼓励您查看以下关于购买力平价的信息, 如果你对这个项目感兴趣, 我们鼓励您与您的贷方联系. As always, you can contact 乔治亚州农场局's (GFB) 公共政策 Department with questions.

有这么多关于农民是否有资格获得购买力平价的问题, 贷款计算及更多, 我们很高兴看到乔治亚州参议员凯利·吕弗勒(Kelly Loeffler  to SBA requesting clarification on both the Paycheck Protection Program 和 the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program with respect to their application to agriculture. 事实上, 森ator Loeffler’s 信 expresses many of the concerns we’ve been sharing directly with her staff the last two weeks, 和 we are grateful that she continues to hear our concerns 和 take action. 宣传 efforts such as this are the reason program guidance continues to be released that is favorable to farmers seeking assistance under these programs. For more information on 森ator Loeffler's efforts on behalf of Georgia's farmers 和 small 企业主, 点击 在这里.

国会希望推进未来的COVID-19救济立法, the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) has requested additional funding for the PPP as well as several technical corrections to improve the program’s assistance for agricultural producers 和 support non-profit organizations that are working to help farmers 和 ranchers through this difficult period. 就像吕弗勒参议员的信一样, AFBF included questions 和 concerns that GFB 公共政策 staff has shared with them the last few days. 你可以查看AFBF给国会的信 在这里.

AFBF市场信息: Paycheck Protection Program Loans Available to Farmers, Regardless of Revenue, Apply Now


大家都知道, 乔治亚州农场局 (GFB) has been working with state 和 federal partners to ensure a stable supply of farmworkers during the COVID-19 crisis. Though initial reports of embassy 和 consulate closings created confusion 和 uncertainty, the U.S. 美国国务院.S. 美国劳工部(DOL)和美国劳工部(u.s. Department of Labor.S. Department of Agriculture have heeded calls from Congress 和 agriculture associations to streamline 和 improve the functionality of the H-2A program during this challenging time. GFB was pleased to see these important advocacy efforts continued this week by Georgia 森ator David Perdue who led a coalition 信 to the U.S. Department of Homel和 Security 和 the DOL requesting additional expansions of interview waivers 和 requirements. 森ator Kelly Loeffler joined 森ator Perdue in his efforts by signing on to the 信. If you would like to read a copy of the 信, you can access it by 点击ing 在这里. 


The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) has written a 信 to Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue requesting that all sectors of agriculture be included under CARES coverage. 信中还说, "It is critical that USDA do all in its power to assist growers in every region, 在所有商品中, 尽其所能." 

在关怀法案中, 由特朗普总统于3月27日签署成为法律, Congress approved $14 billion in funds to replenish the Commodity Credit Corporation 和 $9.5 billion to be used at the Secretary’s discretion to assist agricultural producers, 包括家畜和特种作物生产者. 根据州农业局的数据, 包括亚洲体育博彩平台, AFBF compiled a 信 of current needs of producers 和 submitted it to Secretary Perdue last Friday, 4月3日. 



今天,州长布莱恩·P. 坎普, 副州长杰夫·邓肯, 和 House Speaker David Ralston announced plans to extend Georgia's public health state of emergency through May 13, 2020年,以缓解COVID-19的传播. 根据州法律, 总督可延长公共卫生紧急状态, 该法案原本将于4月13日到期, 2020. Lt. 州长邓肯 和 Speaker Ralston agree it is necessary for the public health emergency to be renewed 和 will not be requesting a special legislative session, 暂定在4月15日, 2020.

“确保格鲁吉亚人民的健康和福祉, 我将把公共卫生紧急状态延长到5月13日, 2020. This measure will allow us to continue to deploy resources to communities in need, 向一线医务人员提供支持, 和 keep preparing as we brace for potential patient surge in our healthcare facilities. We deeply appreciate the hard work of Georgians who are sheltering in place, 利用社交距离, 帮助我们使曲线变平. 我们在一起战斗。”肯普州长说道. “我很感激。. 州长邓肯 和 Speaker Ralston continuing to work with us to ensure resources are available to proactively respond to the COVID-19 p和emic, 和 I thank them for their support of an extended emergency declaration. 在这个前所未有的时代, 我们请求格鲁吉亚人民继续保持耐心并为他们祈祷, 特别是对于急救人员, 执法, 还有照顾身体虚弱的医护人员. 他们竭尽全力保护我们所有人的安全, 我们将永远无法报答他们的牺牲."

“我们必须继续积极抗击COVID-19,”他说. 州长邓肯. “通过延长公共卫生紧急状态, we can ensure Georgians have access to every available state resource during this crisis. 在一起, Speaker Ralston 和 I are working closely with Governor 坎普 to do all we can to make sure we are meeting the needs of every Georgian. The General Assembly will continue to remain vigilant 和 available to assist our citizens in any way possible."

"The entirety of our state government is working to protect the health 和 safety of our citizens, 和 I appreciate the work of our state personnel 和 first responders during this challenging time,议长大卫·拉尔斯顿说. “虽然我们前面的日子很艰难, we continue to coordinate with both local 和 federal partners in responding to needs as they arise. 作为格鲁吉亚人,我们将坚持不懈,在另一边变得更加强大."

肯普州长签署了一个亚洲体育博彩平台箱的行政命令 & 健康的乔治亚州:

上周四, 4月2日, Governor Brian 坎普 signed an executive order calling for a statewide shelter-in-place to help combat the spread of COVID-19. 今天,他将行政令延长至4月30日. 按顺序排列, he determined that those who fell under "critical infrastructure" were able to continue working, 只要他们遵守适当的社交距离礼仪. 关键基础设施, 根据国土安全部的定义, 包括粮食和农业部门. 

We have had many farmers 和 allied industry producers inquire as to if they will be required to carry a certificate proving they are part of the critical infrastructure. 今天, Governor 坎普 released a statement expressing that such documentation will not be required: "We have received recent reports of 执法 stopping people to ask for a 信 authorizing their travel. 确保安全的行政命令 & Healthy Georgia does not require any worker to carry an authorization 信 on Georgia's roads."

关于保护使用财产的紧急条例(cuva) & 林地保护利用产权(flpa)

根据肯普州长3月31日的行政命令, 2020, 税务局, Local Government Services Division has adopted an emergency regulation for Conservation Use Property (CUVA) 和 Forest L和 Conservation Use Property (FLPA).

The emergency regulation extends the application filing deadline for all qualifying property to June 1, 2020, 除非法规规定了更晚的期限. 本紧急条例自2020年4月7日起施行.

查看官方行政命令, 税务局行政法规备案证书, 和 the emergency regulation please visit: Emergency Rule 560-11-17-0.34 & 肯普州长的行政命令.

To view the 2020 Current Use Values for Georgia Conservation Use (CUVA) L和 和 Forest L和 Protection Act (FLPA) L和, 点击这里.


上周五, Commissioner Gary Black announced that the deadline for the Farm Recovery Block Grant program has been extended to 4月30日. 它原定于今天关闭. 

“We recognize that normal business operations across the state have been disrupted or altered over the past few weeks,布莱克局长说。. “We want every eligible producer to have an opportunity to complete their application with full confidence, while continuing the critical work of providing 食物 和 fiber during these unsettling times.”

Georgia farmers 和 forest l和owners in 95 eligible counties who suffered losses to beef, 乳制品, 水果和蔬菜, 山核桃, 家禽, 木材, 和 uninsured infrastructure are eligible to apply for the recovery program at farmrecovery.com.

森. 杰克·希尔通过了

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of 森ator Jack Hill of Reidsville. 他于周一晚上在办公室去世. 他享年75岁. 他的死亡预计不会是冠状病毒大流行的结果.

森. 希尔于1991年宣誓就职参议院. 近年来,他担任参议院拨款主席, working with the House Appropriations Chair on the arduous task of passing the state's balanced budget, the only constitutional responsibility of the Georgia General Assembly. 你可以阅读更多关于森. 希尔和他著名的职业生涯 在这里.



帮助直接支持受当前危机影响的农民, 美国农田信托基金(AFT)正在启动一项新的农民救济基金. 该基金100%的捐款将直接捐给农民.

  • AFT’s Farmer Relief Fund will award farmers with cash grants of up to $1,000 each to help them weather the current storm of market disruptions caused by the coronavirus crisis.

  • Initially, eligible applicants include any small 和 mid-size direct-market producers. These are defined as producers with annual gross revenue of between $10,000 和 $1 million from sales at farmers markets 和/or direct sales to restaurants, 酒店老板, 学校, 商店, 或者使用农产品作为投入的制造商.
  • 应用程序(链接 在这里 在这两个 英语 和 西班牙语) is simple 和 easy to complete but includes sufficient detail to ensure AFT is awarding producers that have the greatest needs. 申请人将被要求估计他们的经济损失.
  • AFT预计第一轮申请将延长至4月23日, 拨款从5月1日开始发放.

For more information on the fund 和 to apply, visit AFT's website by 点击ing 在这里.


如果你还没有,请花点时间参加2020年人口普查. This year is the first year that you can take the census online by 点击ing 在这里. To see how your community is doing in reaching a "complete count" of its citizens, 点击 在这里.

人口普查网站是安全、可靠和保密的. 人口普查为立法者提供了关键数据, 企业主, 老师, 还有许多人用来提供日常服务, 产品, 支持你和你的社区. The results of the census also determine the number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives, 和 they are used to draw congressional 和 state legislative districts.

In addition to shaping legislative districts, the census dictates how key funds are distributed. The federal government distributes over $675 billion dollars to states based on the population for healthcare, 食物, 教育, 和道路. 利用人口普查数据推动资金的主要项目包括:

  • 联邦医疗援助计划(FMAP)
  • 补充营养援助计划
  • 医疗亚洲体育博彩平台B部分
  • 公路规划与建设
  • 联邦佩尔助学金计划
  • 合作推广服务
